Li-Lu Weinrich



Li-Lu Weinrich



Li-Lu Weinrich





Creative writing has always been a big passion of mine. Throughout university I got more and more invested

in storytelling and narrative design. Instead of writing linear plots I wrote stories with a variaty of outcoms.

I started to think about HOW to tell the stories I was writing and not just about what story I was telling.

Finding ways to not just tell a story but let the player find it brought new challenges and just as much

exitement to the writing process.

I used to view stories as something clear and structured. But they're much more complex than I realized.

Now, to me stories are puzzles that have to be carefully constructed so they can be solved piece by piece.

A story is a question that contains all the answers in itself.

At least those are the kinds of stories I like to… pose.

LOST SIGHT- Demo Script

This is the script for the Demo of my Bachelor Project. The Game is about Ki, an Empath, who is entering the minds of three protagonists who are at the lowest point in their life because of their insecurities. Ki travels through their memories learn what lead to them being insecure about who they are. - In this demo Ki meets and enters the mind of Saige.

LOST SIGHT - Narrative Design

How is the story being told ?

How is it structured and why ?

How does it effect the Gameplay ?

Here you can learn more about the narrative design behind LOST SIGHT.